Regulations Warnings 1.1. One who uses this formula needs to know that it has gone through successful several tests in The Institute of Life, but still have not finished all the tests. This formula is now in the process of tests, and while this process is not finished – must apply to it only as a test. We must warn that the Owner and / or the manufacturer and (or / and any of their representatives) will have no liability whatsoever for any result of using the formula.
Instructions of use 1.1. Before using the formula for the first time is very desirable to read the entire text of the WARNINGS and Conditions of connection to higher energies with the help of the formula. It is also recommended from time to time to reread it in order to refresh the conditions for accession. 1.2. To connect to the higher energy it is necessary to say the following underlined words written on the big button in the License
2. The right to use the products may be (but is not required), by decision of the owner of these products, due to conditions that are written on this site.
3. I connect to higher energies with the help of the formula on the following conditions:
But in this case this improvement will have temporary effect only in the part which implements the restrictions mentioned in the formula and in points 3.2.1, 3.2.2.
Yet, in what the formula permits, I will not be disconnected from these higher energies, even in cases of violations listed in this point.
3.4. Terms of subsidized use
“So – is it free of charge?” - a customer would ask. – “Then there must be ‘small letters’ somewhere!” No, it is not quite free. That is, in the absolute majority of cases, everything is the user’s net profit; however, there is a case when we have a certain share in the added “profit” that the user receives as a result of using the Formula, and we write it here explicitly, “in big letters”. Since the Formula is still a relatively new invention, we would like to tell you a commonplace story in order to provide a clear explanation. Imagine: you are the owner of a factory - you possess both a building and production equipment. Your factory yields some profit, say - $ 10,000 a month. One day, a software programmer comes to your office with a proposal you cannot reject. He says, “I have a new software for you, it is multipurpose and very sophisticated. The software will add to the overall production; besides, as a result of its use, the building and the equipment will not only be able to operate without degrading (even without reasonable deterioration), but will also become more reinforced and improved day after day! The goods you produce will grow more popular. And, most important, you, too, using this software, will become highly advanced, both as a successful manager, and, primarily, as a person!” When you ask him about the software’s price he will tell you, “Any future profit you will gain in the amount of your previous profit will be 100% yours. The fact that the premises and the equipment will stop wearing and will even improve will also constitute your profit. Your expertise, the positive image of your product, and your personal growth as a human being of the new generation, a person better both in the heart and in the spirit – all this is yours, of course.” “But, the programmer will say, I have invested so much effort, so many resources in this software and I deserve a fair compensation. That is why I also wish to get something for my job, namely: if, thanks to my software, the production output grows while the consumption level of the funds, materials and equipment stays the same, I would like to get half of the additional profit received by you as a result of the work of my software and some modest amount for the subscription to the program.” (Not 50% of all the profit but 50% of only the profit that will be added solely thanks to my program, while the expenditures will stay the same. For example, using my software, you started earning $ 26 000 instead of $ 10 000. In this case your initial profit of $ 10 000 is yours, as well as $ 8000 of the added profit, while I will be entitled to another $ 8000 of the added profit. Your profit will also include your reputation, the enhanced quality of your products, your improved skills and your good name – all this is 100% yours. “Moreover, the programmer will say, if you don’t wish to part with 50% of the added profit, you can pay the full price for the subscription: the price will be fixed and not excessive (meaning neither the giveaway price nor a subsidized price like now, but the full price). But before you pay at least half of the full price the terms are as described above.” What will you tell yourself? That’s true, I will give you $ 8000 but they are part of the additional profit of $ 16 000 that I will get. I will be earning almost twice as much every month. Moreover, if this works, then the profit from the improved premises and the equipment will also be 100% mine. My product has grown better. My good name among the clients and my better skills are, of course, mine. And I – as a chief, a businessman, and a person – will also become better. Besides, if I wish, I will also get all 100% of the added profit in future. I think that only those can refuse who, when being offered a gift on condition that the neighbor will get twice as much, would say, “Take out one of my eyes”. But such persons would also consent because when it is a question of profit even people of this kind give up. But I am not a person of this kind, I certainly agree. The payment situation is quite the same in our case situation. We say, “After 22 years of research and 8 hard years of serious development, we created a program that considerably improves each positive move in one’s private life connecting a person to the right amount of the best positive energy – thanks to the appropriate interaction with other people and the environment. The user loves more and is loved more. He receives additional strength, his health improves thanks to this harmony and these energies. If, G-d forbid, he is in need of medical assistance, this software is very efficient in helping to cure the disease. It is clear that all this will not only make his personal profit, but will also let him gain merits to the world. Indeed, the fact that the user attracts positive energy to the world, that he interacts correctly with the people around him, that he improves his personality is not just his personal “profit” but also a great merit to the world. So, in his turn, the software’s owner would say, “As for the use of the formula at a subsidized price, we would like to get half of his added merit that the customer will gain by using this software.” We do not ask the software user to share his merit from the actions he would have done anyway, even without using this software. Besides, 100% of his health improvement, achieved through this harmony and these energies, belong to him. It is clear that we do not have any claims either to his improved skills of interacting with people and the world, or to the positive energies he will receive, or to any part of your enhanced new personality – more loving and more loved. All the above constitutes 100% net profit belonging to our software user. More than that, like in the above example, having become stronger both spiritually and materially through the successful use of the Formula (our software), you can at any time choose to pay the pre-specified full reasonable price, expressed in money, for the use of the Formula and leave all further additions of the spiritual value for yourself.) 4. Financial and administrative conditions for the connection: 4.1 The connection won’t take place after the period of validity of this license has expired. 4.2 This license was issued by a person authorized. 4.3 I am fully paid for the license in accordance with the tariffs established by The Institute for Life or I use it for the first time which is established for the verification, or I use that license as humanitarian aid from the author of the formula or I am a partially paid for the license in accordance with the tariffs established by “The Institute for Life and the remaining amount, I use that license as humanitarian aid from the author of the formula 4.5 During the utterance of the formula, I’m not in the closet. 4.6 During the accept of the formula, I’m not in the place designated for any religious rites. 4.7 I uttered what is written in paragraph 6 mentioned below. 4.8 Using this license means consent of the foregoing user with the written in paragraph 3 of Conditions of connection.
5. I know that for the most successful connection to higher energies, I must firstly disconnect from the bad energy, to which I could have been connected by committing acts that are contrary to the commandments of the G-d. I repent in all the violations I have made against the laws of the G-d. 6. To connect to higher energies, it is necessary to say the words written on the big button located on the license and, to verify my words touch this button. 7. Additional instructions:
– It is desirable, before saying the formula three times, alternately, pour the hands with water from a mug.
– While using this formula in order to obtain the best effect it is important to drink plenty of fluid – at least 1,5 – 2 liters of water more than usual. (Those who have been warned by the doctor about temporary limiting of the amount of fluid intaken must not add any amount of fluid without the explicit consent of the doctor). Pay attention! During the first connection after pronouncing the formula it is necessary to rest for 20 minutes and also drink a large glass of water.
For 2-3 hours one should refrain from doing hard physical work, as well as from a fast drive (90 km per hour and more). It is recommended to follow these restrictions during the connection, but with the fourth attempt, and then you can start to drink about 5-10 minutes after taking the formula as well as to limit the time refraining from doing heavy lifting up to only 30 minutes.
– should refrain from doing bad deeds. – it is desirable to all those who use the formula to ensure strictly that all the food they eat should be of the highest level of Kashrut (kosher lemegadrin) It is very desirable to implement them fully! Pay attention! Those who have been warned by the doctor about temporary limiting of the amount of fluid intake must not add any amount of fluid without the explicit consent of the doctor. From the beginning of the use of this formula, your body should immediately save an additional amount of water in the cells. The fact that the processes of creation and use of energy within the cells of your body require the appropriate amount of water – so the tissues and organs of your body need new water – for healthy functioning. It is also necessary to remove harmful substances from the body.
Just as in the case of strong antibiotics to drink a lot and when they start using this formula, you need to drink a lot – because the use of the formula – is joining the new powerful forms of energy that are new to the patient’s body, especially in the first few hours and days. And just as people add to their body types of energy that that was not enough, just parallel to this, he must add an additional amount of body fluid.
Pay attention! Active actions require abundant drink! This means if a person feels weak for a long time, or even a few hours, and does not drink much water, but now, after he delivered the above formula, then he recovered and felt a sudden surge of additional forces and began to work actively – then the body of this man needs a lot more fluid! If people continue to drink the same amount of water, as during weakness, without adding extra liquid, but with the addition of physical activity – it can lead to nausea, dehydration and strong headaches. Why can this happen? The fact is that when a person lies or reduces physical activity – even if he is drinking insufficient fluid – the body does not lose much water. But when physical activity increases, and he drinks enough, his body loses a lot of fluids! How much extra water should you drink? Studies have shown that an adult drinks 2-3 liters a day. However, if he is additionally involved in sports for an hour, he must add 2 (!) liters of water to the amount of fluid intake. Therefore, if a person using the formula, suddenly passed from weakness to an active physical activity – he has to drink more, at least 1.5 – 3.5 liters of water on the first day using the formula still 1.5-2 liters of water during the second day, starting from the third days and then – drink 1-2 liters more than usual. This means that if prior to the use of the formula people drink 1.5 liters a day – then after he started using, the formula he must first drink 3-4.5 liters per day, second day – at least 3-3.5 liters, and the third days and then – at least 2.5-3.5 liters per day. And only in a few months one can reduce the amount of fluid intake to about what was before, but it is only after consulting a specialist. Pay attention! Drinking plenty of water – is a major effort, especially in the first few days – it can be very difficult – but it’s worth it! Because with the help of this person, using the formula begins to live a new life – much healthier! And in the next few days the body will become accustomed, will be easier, and your body will feel as additional liquid gives the sense of liveliness and joy.
Even someone who does not increase physical activity – is required to add at least 1.5 liters a day, because the “higher” power, to which it is connected, causes the body to be active in healing itself and to improve the well-being, even at a time when a person is not engaged in any other physical activity.
How to achieve such amount of fluid intake? I must drink a glass of water every hour (200 ml), and then we can achieve above the required quantity. Disclaimer: Despite the fact that the using this product greatly helps the spiritual development of the person (and it is known that good spiritual health also contributes to good physical health), it is not a certified medical product. And it is very likely that according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, anyone who is interested in using it not only for spiritual development of a person, but also for medical reasons, should take medical help before using this product or in case the symptoms, for which the product is taken, worsen or do not pass.