(Maaf, tetapi ini masih terjemahan mesin. Untuk membantu semua orang yang memerlukan maklumat ini, kami menerjemahkannya ke dalam 70 bahasa. Sekiranya anda mahu, anda boleh membaca maklumat yang disahkan dan tepat dalam bahasa Inggeris).

Untuk meningkatkan kesihatan, mengembangkan keperibadian, berhubung dengan tenaga positif dan mewujudkan keharmonian dengan Alam Semesta - duduk dengan selesa, katakan:
Saya menerima apa yang tertulis dalam poin 1 dan 2 lesen ini. Selepas itu, anda perlu menyentuh butang kanan besar dalam lesen ini. Dan terus duduk dengan selesa selama kira-kira 13 minit.

Beri perhatian!

Pada penggunaan pertama peranti ini, anda perlu duduk 30-35 minit, dan kemudian anda perlu minum segelas air besar. Kemudian (selepas penggunaan pertama ini) adalah perlu untuk tidak melakukan kerja keras dan menahan diri dari memandu pantas (90 km / ph atau lebih) selama 2-3 jam.

Sekiranya anda ingin melakukan meditasi penyembuhan tambahan, anda boleh membaca tentang meditasi ini di bawah (selepas penerangan mengenai peranti dan program ini).

Diberikan hak untuk menguji peranti selama satu minggu tanpa wang atau data kewangan.

Oleh itu, walaupun pada mulanya peranti ini kelihatan sangat aneh atau tidak realistik bagi anda, jangan lepaskan peluang ini!
Pada akhir minggu pertama penggunaan program, anda akan dapat terus menggunakannya dengan bayaran langganan yang ditunjukkan di bawah.

Peranti dan program meditasi yang unik
Kami dengan sukacitanya memaklumkan bahawa setelah 10 tahun bekerja keras, kami telah mencipta peranti dan program unik yang dapat membantu (maaf atas kesukaran, tetapi ini benar) seluruh dunia!

Dengan hanya menekan butang dalam lesen, anda hampir dapat mencapai apa yang anda impikan semalam.

Apa yang dilakukan oleh peranti internet dan program unik yang dijalankan olehnya?

Peranti ini membantu menjalankan program unik. Dan program ini membantu pengguna untuk menyedari diri mereka sendiri, mencapai kebahagiaan, pertumbuhan rohani dan harmoni dengan dunia dan sentiasa berhubung dengan tenaga positif! (Dan ini bukan perkataan biasa. Anda dapat melihat bahawa ia benar-benar berfungsi).

Sekiranya berlaku penyakit, program ini secara automatik dan segera, bahkan sebelum diagnosis perubatan dibuat, memberikan terapi tenaga yang sangat berkesan yang akan membantu pemulihan yang lebih cepat dan lebih mudah.

Juga, program ini sangat berjaya dalam membantu menghilangkan tekanan jiwa dan cepat dan berkesan menghilangkan sakit kepala.

Bagaimana ia berfungsi? Dan apa kaitannya Pusat Meditasi Antarabangsa dengannya?

Anda tidak perlu melakukan sesuatu yang istimewa. Anda hanya perlu duduk dengan selesa, tekan butang besar di lesen peranti untuk memulakan program. Dan program meditasi ini akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk anda! Sangat berkesan dan dengan faedah yang besar, segera dan pada tahap tinggi.

Oleh itu, anda tidak perlu fokus secara khusus, atau memutuskan hubungan dari segala-galanya, atau menyesuaikan diri dengan sesuatu. Juga, pengalaman sebelumnya yang minimum tidak diperlukan. Yang anda perlukan hanyalah duduk dengan selesa dan tekan butang dalam lesen.

Dan satu lagi, mungkin ciri terpenting dari program ini ialah ia berfungsi untuk anda bukan sahaja semasa anda duduk dengan selesa, menyentuh butang dan bermeditasi. Tetapi juga selepas itu, sepanjang hari, program meditasi yang unik ini terus mencipta dan mengekalkan untuk anda keadaan sejahtera yang disebutkan di atas mengenai keharmonian sejagat dengan Alam Semesta dan orang-orang di sekeliling anda dan hubungan berterusan dengan yang paling sesuai untuk anda sumber tenaga positif.

Jelas bahawa semua ini terdengar seperti kisah dongeng. Tetapi telah terbukti selama bertahun-tahun, oleh pakar bersama dengan banyak pengguna.

Di samping itu, jelas bahawa kami tidak akan menerjemahkan bahan ini ke dalam 70 bahasa, membayar untuk iklan, dan kemudian memberikan hak untuk memeriksa tanpa wang, kewajiban untuk meneruskan dan data kewangan, jika kami tidak sepenuhnya yakin dalam operasi program ini !

Bilakah dan bagaimana saya boleh mula menggunakannya?

Masa untuk membuat pesanan dan menunggu peranti dan menghidupkan program tidak diperlukan.
Lesen, yang terdapat di halaman ini, juga merupakan peranti Internet yang mudah dan mudah untuk menggunakan program ini dalam pelbagai mod. Anda boleh menyalinnya sekarang.

Nama program ini adalah "Formula Hidup". Ia mungkin tidak terlalu asli, tetapi memang benar. Lagipun, program ini sangat membantu untuk memperbaiki Kehidupan dengan segera dan betul. Isi dengan tenaga positif dan baru dan makna baru yang baik!

Pusat kami mengucapkan selamat berjaya kepada anda.



To improve health, develop personality, connect to positive energy and create harmony with the Universe - sit comfortably and say:
I accept what is written in points 1 and 2 of this license. After that, you need to touch the big right button in this license. And continue to sit comfortably for about 13 minutes.

Pay attention!

- The first use of this license-device, you need to sit 30-35 minutes, and then you should drink a large glass of water. Then (this first time) for 2-3 hours it will be necessary to refrain from doing hard work, as well as from fast driving (90 km/ph or more).

Granted the right to test the device for one week without money or financial data.
Therefore, even if at first this device seems very strange or even unrealistic to you, do not lose this opportunity!

At the end of the first week of using the program, you will be able to continue using it for the subscription fee indicated below.
If you want to do additional, healing meditations, you can read about these meditations below (after the description of these device and program).

Unique meditation device and program

We are pleased to inform that after 10 years of hard work, we have created a unique device and program that can help (sorry for the pathos, but this is true) the whole world!

By simply pressing a button in the license, you can almost immediately achieve what you could only dream of yesterday.

What does this internet device and the unique program run by it do?

This device helps to run the unique program. And the program help the user to realize themselves, achieve happiness, spiritual growth and harmony with the world and be constantly connected to positive energy! (And these are not common words. You can see that it actually works).

And in case of illness, this program automatically and immediately, even before a medical diagnosis is made, provides a very effective energy therapy that will help a much faster and easier recovery.

Also, this program is very successful in helping to relieve mental stress and quickly and effectively get rid of headaches.

How does it works? And what does the International Meditation Center have to do with it?

You don't have to do anything special. You only have to sit comfortably, press a big button in the device-license to start the program. And this program for meditation will do everything for you! Very effective and with great benefit, immediately and at a high level.

So you don't need to specifically focus, or disconnect from everything, or specifically tune in to something. Also, even minimal previous experience is not required. All you need is just to sit comfortably and press the button in the license. 

And one more, perhaps the most important feature of this program is that it works for you not only when you sit comfortably, touch the button and meditate. But also after that, all the day and constantly on this day, this unique meditation program continues to create and maintain for you these mentioned above state of true harmony with the Universe and the people around you and the constant connection to the most suitable for you sources of the positive energy.

It is clear that all this sounds like a fairy tale. But it has been proven over the years, by specialists together with many users.

In addition, it is clear that we would not translate this material into 70 languages, pay for advertising, and then give the right to check without money, obligations to continue and financial data, if we were not completely confident in the operation of this program!

When and how can I start using it?

Time for ordering and waiting for the device and for turning on the program is not required.

The license, which is on this page, is also a simple and convenient Internet device for using this program in various modes. You can copy it now.

The name of the program is "Formula of Life". It may not be very original, but it is quite true. After all, this program really helps a lot to immediately and truly improve Life. Fill it with new, positive energy and new, good meaning!

Our Center wishes successful use to you.

Instructions for use

Only once before the first use

1. Print the license from this link:

The license-device for use the program

(If you don't have a color printer, you can also print it in black and white)

Please note that each user must have his personal copied license. And this license cannot be transferred to another user so that it does not stop working.

If now it is difficult for you to print the license, then you can temporarily use the license image above to work with our program.

2. At the end of the first week of using the program, you will be able to continue using it for the subscription fee indicated below.

On any day of using

All you need to do to use this device is:

1. (Enough to do once a day. Not on Saturday.) To improve health, develop personality, connect to positive energy and create harmony with the Universe:

Sit comfortably, say the words written on the big button, and touch it. And continue to sit comfortably for about 13 minutes.

(Please note! If you want to temporarily use the license image above, at the moment you press any button, all or most of the above license image should be on the screen).

2. To reduce or even completely relieve psychological stress (provided that you have performed what is specified in paragraph 1, at least once on this day):

Sit comfortably and touch button 4 three times. Continue to sit comfortably for about 12 minutes.

3. If you need help in healing, then (on condition that you have performed what is specified in paragraph 1, at least once on this day):

Sit comfortably. Touch button 3 twice. Continue sitting for about 6 minutes without speaking to anyone or doing anything else. Anyone who felt bad before this, for about an hour should not do hard work and to grow cold.

4. In order to be connected with powerful positive energy that helps you to discover your talents and to improve yourself and to strengthen your health including immunity. And desides (if it is necessary) to help you accelerate the treatment and facilitating the course of the disease (on condition that you have performed what is specified in paragraph 1, at least once on this day)

 comfortably, press button 6 and then click on this link

After that, on the next page with the image of a gray square, click on the top link "Activate".

Then will open a page with a white square. Leave it (this page with a white square) on the screen for 8 minutes.

on't look at this page, just stay in front of it.

If you use a printed license, it must remain open until the end of the work specified in this paragraph (4).

Pay attention!

- The first use of this device, you need to sit 30-35 minutes, and then you should drink a large glass of water. Then (this first time) for 2-3 hours it will be necessary to refrain from doing hard work, as well as from fast driving (90 km/ph or more).

- Do not engage in extraneous matters while working with the device!

- It is recommended to drink more than usual. Especially if, thanks to the reception of the new energy and / or treatment with the help of the program, you significantly increase your activity.

- Each user must have his own printed license.

The license-device for use the program

For several different users, it is recommended to keep each printed license in a separate folder, marking each such folder.

If in this time you don't have your printed copy of the license, and so at this tine you are using the image of the license on this page above, then in order to enable new person to use the program, it is necessary to close this page on the screen and raise it again, already for this very person. Or, and it is better, to bring this page up for this very person on a different screen.

Additional recommendations:

- After working with the program, return a copy of the printed license to its separate folder or (respectively) close the copy of your license on the screen.

- For those who regularly pray in the  morning, it is recommended to start working with the program after the end of the morning pray.

- When working with the program, it is recommended to state at the distance of 2.5 meters or more from other people.

- Since the program helps the user to connect to positive energy, it is strongly recommended not to commit non-positive actions! (Of course, this is also necessary if you do not use the "Formula of Life" program).

Our Center wishes you, with G-d's help, to deserve a healthy and happy life for long and good days and years!

Best regards, The International Internet Center of Meditation

For contact: secretariat2@lifeformula.name

Disclaimer: Although the use of this product is very helpful for the spiritual development of the individual (and good mental health is known to contribute to good physical health as well), it is not a certified medical product. And it is very likely that, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, anyone who is interested in using the program not only for the spiritual development of the individual, but also for medical reasons, should seek medical help even before using this product, or at least if the symptoms, according to which this product is accepted, deteriorate or do not pass away.


The consumer price

Let us emphasize right away that those who find it difficult to pay the entire amount can only pay what they want and receive the rest of money in the form of charitable assistance from the owner of the program. But each time no more than one month in advance.

Consumer prices are:

- $ 100 per month or 

- $ 10 per day or

- $ 360 per half of year or

- $ 650 per year



PayPal payment

You can pay for using this device by the credit card, through the secure payment system PayPal, by clicking on one of the buttons below.  

"PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows almost anyone to pay online or on mobile, without sharing their financial information with the sellers".



Bank payment in Israel:

                                           Nishmat Israel Name
8278526 Account
Israel Post Bank Bank Name
Israel Country
9136102 Zip Code
Jerusalem City
POB 36234 Receiver’s Address
                                           Nishmat Israel Name

Most bank payment information:
BEN Type of charge
(Sharei Yerushalaim (Gate of Jerusalem Branch Name
IL210090010000008278526 IBAN
Israel Post Bank Bank Name
Israel Country
9136102 Zip Code
Jerusalem City
POB 36234 Receiver’s Address
Nishmat Israel Name
                                    NY Deutsche Bank              Bank Name



* It is not permitted to copy the License and / or use it from the moment the sun sets on Friday until the stars come out at the end of Saturday.



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