
Thank you for visiting this page.

It is very possible that what is written next will seem unrealistic to you at first. But you can check within a week and make sure that all this is true. And you can carry out this check without money and even without your financial data.

Therefore, do not miss the opportunity with a few simple actions to significantly improve your life, make it much more joyful, healthy, harmonious, filled with positive energy, useful and meaningful for your family, friends, and the entire world around you.


Unique device (application) that helps promote health and achieve good luck

Every human being wants to be healthy, successful and happy, to be in a state of harmony with the world around him, to receive and bring only positive energy into the world, to succeed in discovering his talents. And by this way to do good for him, his family and all the world!
And we are happy to announce that after 14 years of hard work, we have finally created the unique program that can help everyone achieve it all.
Name of the program is Life Formula.
This wery smart program it is powered by a very easy-to-use device-license.
For example, all that is required to use this program in its main mode is simply to sit comfortably, say few words what is written in the device-license, and press a big button on this device-license. And continue to sit for 9 minutes.
So, by simply speaking few words and pressing a button in the license, you can almost immediately achieve what you could only dream of yesterday.
And in case of illness, this program automatically and immediately, even before a medical diagnosis is made, provides a very effective energy therapy that will help a much faster and easier recovery.
Also, this program is very successful in helping to relieve mental stress and quickly and effectively get rid of headaches.
- Okay. And how can an application improve your destiny? Is it possible? 
- In fact, it is very simple. 
This application helps to connect each of your good and even neutral deeds, words and even thoughts with the best for you and for the World positive energy! With this application you are always connected to the positive. And the people around feel it. And your life and destiny become more positive!
There is no need to order this device, pay for it and wait for it to be received. Because this digital device-license is available for free copying in this page below.

Or if you want, you can 
only write the word "Test" to the email address:

And within a few minutes you will receive (to your email) a digital device-license (the license is also a device for using the software) to use the above software, with simple and brief instructions for use.

All this without money, obligations and payment details.
Granted the right to test the device-license for one week.
Therefore, even if at first this device seems very strange or even unrealistic to you, do not lose this opportunity!
We will also be happy if you write a review about using our program.
Also, if you want, you can leave your feedback to the email  info@instituteoflife.info

What to write about? - How life around you changes with the reception of this Life Formula. And if you feel energy, also it's good to write what you felt when you accepted the formula and pressed the button
Our institute wishes successful use to you

The picture of device-license for example

How can l use the program?

For use, only once before the using

Wwrite the word "License" to the email address:  license@instituteoflife.info

And within a few minutes you will receive (to your email) a digital device-license (the license is also a device for using the software) to use the above software, with simple and brief instructions for use.

Copy** the device-license for you from the file of the device-license and/or print it out, so that it is in your possession when you use the program (by touching the link below).

Any day
To improve health, develop personality, connect to positive energy and create harmony with the Universe:
1. Open your copy of the device-license on the screen or take your printed copy of the device-license from the folder.
2. Sit comfortably and say that you accept what is written in points 1 and 2 on this page (of this device-license). And after that touch the big right button in this device-license.
And continue to sit comfortably for about 9 minutes.
3. The device-license starts working! 
And one more, perhaps the most important feature of this program is that it works for you not only when you sit and meditate. But also after that, all the day and constantly on this day, this unique meditation program continues to create and maintain for you these mentioned above state of true harmony with the Universe and the people around you and the constant connection to the most suitable for you sources of the positive energy.

Hard to believe? Try it yourself!
Pay attention! The first use of this device-license, you need to sit 20 minutes, and then you should drink a large glass of water. Then (only for the first time) for 2-3 hours it will be necessary to refrain from doing hard work, as well as from fast driving (90 km/ph or more).
If you are use additional modes of operation of this program to help in treatment, pay attention, that these modes of operation reveal a very strong health and healing energy. This can be very helpful, but you must, after your using any such treatment mode, rest for at least 10 minutes and drink a large glass of water.

  The details that will enable you to use the Formula in the best possible way

Any day

1. Decide for yourself how long you would like to work with the program today. 

Every day you can choose the desired amount of time to work with the program
The recommended time for strengthening of health is for 9 minutes and to help in curing diseases is for 9 or (it is better)| for 34 minutes. 
The program can help you to develop intercommunication with the sources of the High positive energy in accordance with your decision, so, in order to achieve a meaningful result, do not, under any circumstances, change the time you set.
2. Sit comfortably and say that you accept what is written in points 1 and 2 on this page (of this device-license). And after that touch the big right button in this device-license.
And continue to sit comfortably for about 9 or 34 minutes.
After that you have performed what is mentioned above in this paragrph, rest for 3 minutes and drink a large glass of water. And avoid strenuous exercise and high-speed driving for 20 minutes.

3. To reduce or even completely relieve psychological stress (provided that you have completed what is indicated in paragraph 1 at least once during these 3-4 days):

Sit comfortably and touch button 4 three times. Continue to sit comfortably for about 8 minutes.

After your using this mode, rest for 3 minutes and drink a glass of water.

4. If you need help in healing (on condition that you have performed what is specified in paragraph 1, at least once on this day):

Sit comfortably. Touch button 3 twice. Continue sitting for about 7 minutes without speaking to anyone or doing anything else. 

After your using this mode, rest for 3 minutes.

Anyone who felt bad before this, for about an hour should not do hard work and to grow cold.

5. To improve the absorption of positive energy that you have already received through the use of previous routes and to discover new positive energy, which is very helpful for strengthening health, and, if necessary, also for easing the course of the disease and for a complete and faster treatment (on condition that you have performed what is specified in paragraph 2, at least once on this day):

a) If you are using your digital device-license:

Sit comfortably, touch the button with the number 6 and only then turn on the flashlight of your mobile phone, on the screen of which you touched this button 6, for 7 minutes.

Continue to sit comfortably for about 7 minutes. You don't must look at this flashlight, just stay in front of it.

After your using this mode, rest for 3 minutes and drink a large glass of water.

b) If you are using your own digital device-license but you don't have a flashlight on your mobile phone:

Sit comfortably and press button 6 in your license.

After that, on the next page with the image of a gray square, click on the top link "activate".

Then will open a page with a white square. Leave it (this page with a white square) on the screen for 7 minutes. Continue to sit comfortably for about 7 minutes.

You don't must look at this page, just stay in front of it.

After your using this mode, rest for 3 minutes and drink a large glass of water.

c) If you use your printed license and as well as if you are using your own digital device-license but you don't have a flashlight on your mobile phone:

Sit comfortably, press button 6 in your license and only then click this link.

After that, on the next page with the image of a gray square, click on the top link "activate".

Then will open a page with a white square. Leave it (this page with a white square) on the screen for 7 minutes. Continue to sit comfortably for about 7 minutes.

You don't must look at this page, just stay in front of it.

After your using this mode, rest for 3 minutes and drink a large glass of water.

6. At the time when you do what is indicated in the paragraphs, it is recommended that the user be at the distance of at least 2.5 meters from any other person.

7. It is also recommended that you remind yourself before eating any food or before any physical activity that you will be doing it according to the Life Formula 
Special precautions during initial use

* When you first use this device, you should sit quietly for 25 minutes after beginning of use and drink a large glass of water, and then refrain from strenuous work and high-speed driving for 2 to 3 hours. And if it is possible, completely refrain from physical activity and driving for the first hour.

It is possible that during the first minutes you will experience a burning sense in your throat and a light headache that should pass once you drink a large glass of water.
After the test for free of the device-license for one week:

The consumer price for the user - $22 per month.
But for customers who purchased their first subscription before 01/31/2024 and submitted a usage review, the permanent consumer price for the user will be only $10 per month.
The consumer price for the user for an unlimited time of use is $2200.
However, since our main goal is to help people be healthy and happy, we decided that someone who wants to use the program, but thinks that they cannot pay even this price, can (as of today) pay only that amount which he/she wants* (but no more than three months in advance).

Ways to Pay


* Only for payment through PayPal

** It is not allowed to copy the license and to use it from the sunset on Friday until the stars appear at the end of Saturday.

Disclaimer: Despite the fact that the using this product greatly helps the spiritual development of the person (and it is known that good spiritual health also contributes to good physical health), it is not a certified medical product. And it is very likely that according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, anyone who is interested in using it not only for spiritual development of a person, but also for medical reasons, should take medical help before using this product or in case the symptoms, for which the product is taken, worsen or do not pass.