
המידע הבסיסי אודות השימוש במכשיר-רישיון 

האתר הרישמי בעברית

מרכז למדיטציה קבלית

דף בפייסבוק בשלוש שפות

In English:

The basic information about the use of the device-license

The official site in English

The Internet Center of Kabbalistic Meditation

The page in Facebook

The basic information in 70 languages that are written below

По русски:

Базовая информация об использовании прибора-лицензии

Официальный сайт на русском языке

Страница в Фейсбуке на трёх языках

Страница в Фейсбуке на русском языке

Интернет центр медитации гармонии

Интернет центр каббалистической медитации

The basic information in 70 languages:



Disclaimer: Despite the fact that the using this product greatly helps the spiritual development of the person (and it is known that good spiritual health also contributes to good physical health), it is not a certified medical product. And it is very likely that according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, anyone who is interested in using it not only for spiritual development of a person, but also for medical reasons, should take medical help before using this product or in case the symptoms, for which the product is taken, worsen or do not pass.




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